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Just now, Snakeskin94_1642611873 said:

Actually Sora didn't seem to mind lol

I am asking, because I want to believe there should be consequences for Sora's actions. The consequences being negative opinions about Sora from his friends. I think it's worth exploring that area on how Sora's sacrifices impact everyone. Do they accept it willy-nilly, or do they have serious problems that they need to let out?

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Is getting banished to another reality not enough of a consequence?

Besides, clearly the others aren’t that angry about it as they’ve spent a year looking and Kairi was willing to spend the whole time in a coma

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All Sora wanted to do was hang out with his friends

But that pretty boy SCHMUCK Riku had to give into the hate and blow up their island 😔

He didn't get given enough crap for that imo

Meanwhile 3 has half the dialouge consist of people roasting Sora

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I don’t think anybody but Riku, and somehow Zexion, knew that Riku was the one who opened the door

And Zexion does put Riku on a guilt trip for it, so it’s not like Riku never faced any confrontation

I do agree that all of the Sora bullying in KH3 was uncalled for though.

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You're totally right, but here's my thing, and it's super petty- but the US fan base fawns over Riku every time he breathes, and folks always gotta talk shit on Sora

After 20 years it gets old lol

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