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Here is what dog breeds I imagine each Kingdom Hearts character to own or be if they were a dog or if they had a dog:

Sora: Shetland Sheepdog or rough collie
Riku: blue heeler
Kairi: brown poodle
Roxas: shiba inu
Axel: chihuahua
Xion: black labrador
Ventus: corgi
Terra: yellow labrador
Aqua: Australian Shepherd
Vanitas: doberman
Ansem: rottweiler
Xemnas: West Highland Terrier
Xehanort: Scottish Terrier
Namine: golden retriever
Strelitzia: shih tsu
Yozora: husky
Chirithy: pomeranian

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Oo good idea I got one of my own, one sec

Sora: cat
Riku: cat
Kairi: cat
Roxas: angst cat
Axel: cat
Xion: cat
Ventus: cat
Terra: cat
Aqua: cat
Vanitas: angry cat
Ansem: cat
Xemnas: cat
Xehanort: cat
Namine: cat
Strelitzia: cat
Yozora: cat
Chirithy: pretty sure is actually cat

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If we're talking about animals, the animals I see representing each character would be,

Sora: Lion (probably the typical lion, but I like the puma look for him).

Kairi: Fox

Riku: Bat

Roxas: Snow Leopard

Xion: Panther

Axel: Mane Wolf

Namine: Artic Fox

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Sora: Lykoi (brown)
Riku: Russian Blue
Kairi: Ragdoll

Roxas: Savanna Cat
Xion: Lykoi (black)
Axel: Sphynx

Aqua: Toyger/Bengal mix
Terra: Oriental Longhair
Ventus: Savanna Cat

Repliku: Russian Blue
Naminé: Van Cat
Vanitas: Lykoi

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