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I feel like super bosses also dont have to be these big story relevant things either, having a superboss that is just a surprising character appearance, with minor story behind it, is okay in my book

as long as its cool, fun, and enjoyable, i dont really care

And hey, they have a whole knew(ish) group of baddies potentially to work with, perfect way to segwey in some classic ff villains as bad guys

ardyn super boss, zenos super boss

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the way i interpret it is "kh was never meant as a crossover game ala smash bros. rather, it was designed as a world where all of these various properties are already integrated parts, without the need for some ham-fisted explanation for why certain people are there"
because of that, it makes sense to include ff characters and disney characters wherever, but it also means they don't have to be there if it's not necessary. contrast that with "mario was summoned here through an interdimensional wormhole (in the form of a warp pipe, lol) to kick sora's ass, and he'll go right back where he came from after the fight and the story will be completely unaffected"

ignore the fact that this could happen now due to smash

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I mean, at least it isn't Brawl levels of stupid, where they actually tried to cobble together a plot for all these characters coming together and

Sonic ultimately saving the day out of nowhere for God knows why


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