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So after the Keyblade War, the Player becomes a Spirit DE? This right?

Or just any type of DE?

And I mean becomes in the same way someone becomes a Heartless/Nobody - like they physically change in some way (die, killed, possessed, whatever)

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Or are the Players just like out sleeping somewhere like Ventus was and Dream Eater projections of themselves are just running around?

Oh true


After the catastrophic event that separated the worlds, all the Keyblade wielders that weren't sent off on an ark were given the choice to go to sleep. Those who chose to had their hearts eaten by their Chirithys, in order to protect them while they slept, which transformed them into Dream Eaters.


Their own Chirithys ate them


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From what we've seen, yea. Just because the series is so heavily concentrated on those involved with the Heartless-Nobody life cycle. Sora, the main protagonist, is an abnormality in almost every way with the given lore lol

I think some people who would die of natural causes, say they had an ilness or something, could be consumed by darkness and then possibly form a Nobody

But I don't think everyone whose ever lived necessarrily has a Heartless

But anyways, since the Chirithys don't contribute to the personhood of a being, I'm not too worried about them. It seems like the individual themself influence their Chirithy rather than the other way around

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I think it's likely. Yen Sid confirmed that most people's hearts have at least a little darkness in them. And a Heartless can be formed from any amount of darkness, no matter how small. Even Sora briefly turned into a Shadow.

And darkness is nothing more than negativity. It's rare for a person to feel no negativity at all. Incredibly rare.

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True but normally Darkness in and of itself doesnt consume the person unless the individual is enthralled with it. If a decently good person, say like Sora, died of an ilness, I don't think they'd spawn a Heartless. Sora seemingly only spawned one because of the Keyblade of Heart. Then there's the other instance. seemingly being overtaken by another Heartless, like the guy from Traverse Town

Not sure if its just negativity? That sounds more like Unversed

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