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so, after watching the chip and dale movie (or i guess, even as early as watching the trailer for it), i was reminded that chip and dale have practically the same voice, what with both being high-pitched (not to take away from each actor's performance, of course). but then i think about how they are in kh, and how dale's voice is very much not high-pitched (or at least, less than in other media)

idk, guess i just thought about it without any real conclusion. just a sense of "huh, so that's how that is"

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I think it gives nice contrast to other characters like Aqua or something who may have Lighter skin, but now every character has the same exact tone BESIDES the xehanorts

Its a small thing but

Idk I think it would’ve been a fun and subtle detail to keep in KH3 and 4


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To be fair, it’s really hard to distinguish between them without listening very closely. Hell, for the longest time, I only remembered them by appearance. (Dale has the red nose)

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apparentIy, not onIy is there an extra fIame on the tip of the keybIade when you cast fire
but it aIso has a sound effect

l never noticed

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For some reason, I want to see Demyx succeed. He’s got the musical vibes. Yknow, the laidback personality, the cool instrument, the odd yet stylish haircut…

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I also pictured that if they ever made a KH movie, they would add in a scene with a magical moment where a full song is sang by Sora as a whole solo before the climax of the film and before he begins to face the big bad where he sings about his struggles to himself and how he feels after getting everything taken from him, even his keyblade.

And the song is like some traditional musical number style song, but gets a pop version that plays in the end credits.

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