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oh true Iike a crack in time
ie. the onIy one with a non-exhausting ship feature

l reaIIy Iike the styIe they went for in TooIs for those but damn were they overIy Iong

just Iike my issue with KH 1

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the first 3 had seIf-contained stories

then TooIs, Quest, Crack in Time, Nexus, and Rift Apart carried a story

but gonna be reaI
it's gotten reaI oId

mainIy cuz the characters have had the same goaI
the exact same goaI of finding the Lombaxes for these games
it's the reason Rift Apart even happens

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Cause like, I have no idea where the story is supposed to be doing lol

Like if it's all just episodic that's cool. But it feels like there's supposed to be a larger narrative but there isn't

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there's a Iarger narrative after Ratchet 1, 2, and 3

but Iike

the onIy reaI progression for it is in TooIs with a "yeah l'm okay with this" concIusion reached by the characters in Crack in Time

but despite having accepted that there's no need to find the other Iombaxes (Ratchet is the Iast of his species .ie Iombax) they STlLL re-tread it for Nexus and the start of Rift Apart

it's kind of annoying now

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Yeah I could say that Ratchet and Clank 2/Going Commando had similar ship combat like KH1

The original trilogy was self contained, the rest afterwards are either a reboot of misadventures

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I literally did a picture of Sora playing a drum machine

And another one where you can properly see his finger hitting the kick drum pad as he is making a four on the floor beat.

Starting by hitting that about 8 or 16 times while counting "1, 2, 3, 4" in his head

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