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Well, I mean you won't get strength/magic buffs. The best way to play is to just plan out your drops in order to max out your DP and get the best buffs.

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As my first statement in the server, I propose a new trio idea:
The Metal Trio: Saix, Xion, Vanitas.

They're the only people in KH3 to have rock/metal elements in their battle themes (at least to my knowledge...)

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Vanitas's, despite what he says, favorite bands are Vundabar and Solence. He likes Gawk and Direction.
Saix likes all types of heavy/death/metal/metalcore, he's veteran metalhead. His favorite song is probably Saint Bernard, while his favorite band is definitely Three Days Grace.
Xion loves Poppy's "I Disagree" album and likes to scream the lyrics of BLOODMONEY when she can. Her favorite band if TFK and her favorite song is "War of Change".

Also, I just really like drawing Saix, Xion, and Vanitas in edgy/alt/punk outfits.

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it's... okay

tbh nothing beats Passion in my heart
l Iike simpIe and cIean!...... the first 30 times they used it
face my fears l Iike the part where Utada sings but

skriIIex's stuff just isn't for me

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