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To me, it is, and isn't.

Is it as balls to the wall fast as 2FM? Nah, and the rEvEnGe VaLuEs are more easy to bait and dodge.

No in the sense that, 2FM Data, like, you can go all Biz and fight them honorably if you want, but, you can cheese them hella quick with forms and summons.

You can do it 3, yeah, but, for the most part except for Lingering WillSmith and Xemnas, you can pretty much still mash and pray. Where as with 3, you still need to pay attention to your combos and enemy i-frames, and actually learn the timings to block and dodge.

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KH 2's gaurd has a TON of i-frames, a fuII second of invincibiIity

but in KH 3, if you get a succesfuI guard, your opponent can just come at you from the back and now you're screwed

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oh for sure

Osaka Team has gotten a ton better with their boss design
from Mysterious Figure the absoIute worse designed, to Yozora the best designed

it's insane

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but then Vanitas Remnant is actuaIIy pretty decent
but then MF sucks
and then JuIius is not worse but stiII sucks
and now Yozora is Iike the fair version of aII of these combined

patterns, you just have to Iearn and dodge

or guard

hook, wind attack, MEGA FLARE, FlRE STORM, DOOM, CLONES

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