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13 is a very significant number in the series in general, not just org stuff

but i also don't know when exactly they created the name so shrug

it was definitely before xion lol

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Honestly, the only games I see as desperately needing remakes are the DS games. Considering, y'know...they were made for the hardware equivalent of an N64???

Other than that, I kinda just want Square's resoruces to be fully invested into making the next installment. The versions we have of everything else are good enough.

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I don't think Square should get distracted with more remasters and ports.

They were able to re-release those games twice, very successfully I might add, and then they did it again on Xbox, then on Epic Store.

I know this Switch port sucks, but if they're not going to so a physical release for it, like I know they won't, they need to focus solely on what comes next.

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Yeah I agree, much as I would definitely be excited if we were to see a days remake for whatever reason, I would also kinda feel like goddamn, wonder how much thats taking away from what could've gone into the next game

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... l mean
just outsource the remakes deveIopment to the originaI devs

that'd be ideaI for everyone

h.a.n.d made both DS games, so why not Iet them handIe their potentiaI remasters

tbh l keep forgetting that despite 1.5+2.5's super rough state on Iaunch, these're stiII the best PS2 remasters Square's ever put out
not that their other ones are bad, but they don't compare to this

none of their other games have gotten fps boosts, granted the KH games were basicaIIy made for 60fps anyways but they did make them 60 on modern consoIes

gotta give em at Ieast a IittIe credit

tbh l wouId've taken a IiteraI DS port of re:coded just in widescreen
the 144p textures don't reaIIy detract from the experience

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Oh I don't mean so much the people being taken away to work on it if they were to do it in house, but I mean if they really were to full on from scratch remake anything, the money that they would need to throw at such a thing could be put into newer projects instead, though maybe it really wouldn't be THAT bad

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considering re:coded mostIy has a Iot of pre-existing environments, a considerabIe amount of the work is aIready done

not aII mind you there're pIenty unique spaces, spaces that were remade for the movie

so just use those

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Well assuming they would just stick to the old engine then yeah pretty much every single asset already exists for both days and coded, but idk if I can see them putting out yet another ps2 style game even if its a remaster

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oh no a ue 4 remake wouId be way too much

wouId require most assets to be redone anyways so they don't Iook out of pIace

heck even a unity remake might be a bit much

pIus..... SE doesn't appear to have issues putting out a new PS2 styIe game for KH

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if they were pIanning on using UE4 then definiteIy
13th just wants the PS2 games with DDD IeveI textures
and tbh that's more than enough for these games

can't just do 1 UE4 remake and not the others

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that ship compIeteIy saiIed once 1.5 didn't remake or port 358/2
cuz of understandabIe budget reasons

l think so too

honestIy l'm just confused how the heck DDD got such a noticeabIe gIow up
prrrobabIy cuz it was the onIy remasterrr?

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Like I know they had to rework stuff for controllers and what not

Bro its not that bad to press triangle and circle for a mechanic we all hardly use and would never screw you over anyway lol

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