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They can still be present but i feel like Sora should go on his own at some point like Riku did when he split from Mickey

Hopefully the new game delivers that

Because Sora is stranded

Im hoping they also cover Lea and Kairi more

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He'd give some speech about how despite this n that it just makes him stronger

But his words feel hollow because you know the real power lies in others and not him

Hes basically a conduit

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I mean for all we know they pull off a Aqua on the stranded thing for Sora in the future unforeseen titles, Ofcourse the protagonist spotlight will switch over to Riku of ofcourse because his search in the

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for him

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Like others have said, if the protagonists had just talked things out, it’s likely the plot of those games would not have happened. But some people just aren’t that strong.

Terra took Xehanort’s advice because he felt inadequate. Riku listened to Malefucent out of envy. They weren’t mature enough to understand that negativity doesn’t just go away, and that’s where the development comes in.

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Hell, even Aqua went through some development. By feeling like she had to be the one to clean up Terra and Ven’s mess instead of just communicating with them, she inadvertently made things worse.

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kinda wish she showed her thinking "l NEED to fix this my friends need me"

rather than onIy ever saying "ven/terra where are you" and "what happened here guys.."

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