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That article is so weird

All it basically said was “KH should just have a fresh start and every game should be completely self contained stories and if it that story doesn’t really allow for the plot to move forward then so be it”

Like yeah man I’m all for KH finding ways to be less confusing as we move forward and put a lot of shit behind us for the most part, but like to have as many characters as we do that could all do with getting as much screen time as possible and to think that each new game should only ever have a focus on what, 5-8 tops I’m assuming (outside of the Disney taking up pretty much 80% of each game that we’ll never escape) is just nuts to me. Just because Xehanort is gone doesn’t mean the story met a stopping point by which a fresh start would even feel welcomed right now.

Exactly!! laughsinnomura like there was no mention of anything persona like in that whole article aside from how each game doesn’t really have ties to one another outside of the persona and their elements/abilities

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Yeah I mean if that’s what people want out of KH-like characters then go play some ff’s, more than half of em are turn based anyways, since this is coming from a huge persona fan of course naminelaugh

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