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3 hours ago, Harveywallbanger said:

Idk how far into KH1 you are, but I'm sure there's enough material to make a better joke.

Mostly cos anything else would be

Getting Donald to heal you is a matter of adjusting his settings. I figured this out just by exploring the menus. Besides, "I think this might be a good place to find some ingredients" has replaced Donald's healing tendencies as the overused Donald meme.

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it's quite surprising how stabIe these games are in terms of gIitches

Iike, apart from a crash here or there, the originaI versions of these games are rather bug-free

wittth 2.5 somehow adding new ones

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okay, but which one is the best one?

l Iike BBS’s the most

and KH lll has my Ieast favourite cuz it A. fades out way too quickIy. and B. two sounds pIay back-to-back and they’re equaIIy Ioud

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