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they can port the existing engine over though bc ue5 is backward compatible with ue4 projects iirc

so it wouldn't be a complete ground up job again

port over the existing engine and then improve it with ue5 stuff

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I think something else is planned for the 20th Anniversary next year. KH4 very unlikely. Either a true fan service filled spinoff will happen or one last side title leading into KH4 will be out for the 20th

If it's the former I'm begging for a Warriors/Musuo title. It's very likely to be the latter though

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I feel like people give Disney too much slack, especially those who mention the whole Dissidia was supposed to be KH thing. Many are misinformed that Disney said no to it. But it never left the conceptual stage because Nomura wasn't okay with Disney characters fighting each other.

So I definitely see Disney being cool with a KH Musuo.

Especially since we've got just the slightest bit of information to suggest they'd be cool with Sora in Smash

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