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it’s pretty cool tbh ?

Apparently the original synopsis was that KH takes place in a world that exists only if you believe it exists


Mickey is a heartless

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I believe it’s a different one.

I kinda wish that model was left in the files so someone could data mine it ?

but if we havent seen it yet, we probably never will

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> Apparently the original synopsis was that KH takes place in a world that exists only if you believe it exists
"Don't assume your dreams are just fantasy. If you can imagine a world, believe in it... and dive in."

Personally, I always thought that would be the quote before the song rather than "they can take your world"

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I still don't know what the "They can take your world" thing even means

that wasn't a theme in kh3

it was a theme in kh 1 and 2, but not kh3

Unless that was supposed to be some sort of hint
World - kh1
Heart - kh2
Cut you loose from all you know - kh3(???)

ima continue this in kh3

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