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I'm near the end of KH 1, I'm at the End of The World and this place is unbelievably frustrating. I can appreciate a hard game, but not when it just throws countless enemies at you for no reason, I just want to be done with this

I keep dying to the big golem dude and it's so firetrucking annoying

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ah yes chernabog

If you are at a decent enough level he shouldnt be too much of a problem. Maybe switch to the highest damage dealing keyblade

watch out for his ring of fire attack

he usually gives a cue for it

but it does a lot of dmg. Also if its becoming a major issue you could always try tinkerbell she auto heals and can give an extra life

scratch that its not the biggest window or cue but when his head starts to dip he is about to do it

safest place to strike him is the back of the head and use Aero

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Yeah flight controls can be a little annoying when they clip into his model. Eh it's really the best thing you can do. Only advice is to try and position yourself so you arent getting stuck. Flying up or down normally resolves it. I can't remember having too much of a problem with escaping his head. What level are you and what difficulty

equip as much fire resistance as you can as well

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