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I’m so tempted to just embrace the darkness, leave my party on the week that we finally get the global update, & start my own armageddon party just for kicks lmao.
Only 2 of us are actually proactive in my current one & i only joined in March so I haven’t exactly bonded like everyone else did…
I keep reaching out to everyone but get blanked and/or end up doing like 70-80% of weekly objectives anyway for the grind.
I’ve never had the courage to start my own party bc I seem to almost always end up feeling alone/isolated in the gaming community for whatever reasons…

At least this way I’d be able to try making a party without fear of flopping, bc

it’d be the last week & all of us are falling to darkness anyway lmaolaughsinnomura


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we can’t wear that

he we oughta have been abIe to dispIay our shared medaI on our character

that wouId’ve been neat and aIso have taken way too much time to make

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l’d do that too, if l didn’t have to open keybIade setup nearIy every quest

most of the time my supernovas’II get me through


are supernova attacks aIIowed regardIess of what the quest says?

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Japan has entered the last 10 days on Union x

It's the last full week for Union x for Japan

Global still has 3 weeks left

If Global will have around the same amount of time between the last story update and the service shutdown, then the update will be sometime next week, if not later this week

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Wasn't it seventeen days before the shutdown date that they got theirs?

If so, then we'd be getting ours THIS week but maybe a bit sooner so it's on a certain day.


More likely that it'd be a couple of days before that, though

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