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I feel like these medals are taunting us

Might switch some stuff around

I was out of jewels, had 4 mercy pulls left to get Aqua Re:Nova, so I went ham on proud mode quests and got like 8000 jewels... 3-4 hours later, I got Aqua lol

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Ok I admit it. I don’t understand copy medals. .... so I’m essentially copying the description of its special attack and its multiplier, but I’m applying my own strength, my own traits, my own skill. Right? What about attribute? If it’s a power medal copying a magic medal does it become Magic?

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So in most power set ups it would be silly to have axel copy anything since his regular special attack is better than most other medals right? But it if it make sense to copy kairi or something like that if I put him in a magic set up? Am I on the right track?

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well, axel is special since he can be both. you could easily use him as a copy medal in a power setup or as a standard damage medal, depending on the setup. partially being a copy medal doesn't limit him in that way, in other words
but if you used him in a magic setup, you would want to make sure you put him on a power slot (or on the pet slot) to get the best slot multiplier. example: you could pet axel on the 5th slot of your three wishes so that he copies an earlier medal. but since he's on a magic slot, he's not doing as much damage as he could and would basically be there to get the buffs that the copied medal provides. on the other hand, if you put him on the pet slot, then he would copy the earlier medal at full power since he's on an "appropriate" slot (in addition to getting that medal's buffs)

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Oh thanks that makes sense. I didn’t even think of how slots would effect it.

I was having a really hard time with beating Xaldin in the current Org 13 event. Finally beat him with this set up:



I kept trying to use Axel as a copy medal but realized in this case he’s better just being himself and dealing damage so I put him in the third slot so he wouldn’t copy anything

So even if he copied a speed or Magic medal, his slot multiplier is always going to consider him power, right?

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yeah, just like any other medal. a power medal won't do good damage in a magic slot, a speed medal won't do good damage in a power slot, etc. it's a nice way to "cheat" when you want to use a specific keyblade. for example, i can use demyx on fairy stars to copy ill. kairi then use reaper on the 4th slot to copy ill. sora, then ansem on the pet slot to copy a friend medal. doing that means i don't have to worry about having an "appropriate" reverse magic or reverse power medal on that setup

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