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I optimized the main channels (more recently) and added additional bots (up to eleven now) for them and activity dwindled since about two years ago.

There's even a set of channels for them to play w/ and monitor.

And, of course, a news section for tweets related to the game or general KH accounts. That last section is really just an admin section that is hidden from regular party members.

Activity happens occasionally and it seems like the text channels that aren't locked are underused.

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That tweet fetch section comes in handy, so that might at least be appreciated.

But there are some users that won't join like that very active user up in the screenshots whom had those impressive that won't join the server.

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I've seen the Discord join requirement that some parties have and it's hard to push people; especially since it seems mean and there could be some great players—some of which don't even check the in-game chats, so I more of suggest it and have gotten some bites from time to time.

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i think it's all in how you present it. you say it like "get the * out of here since you don't use discord" and people are gonna stay away. you say it like "we'd like to have you, but we need to make sure you use discord so we can communicate" and it's more inviting

at the end of the day, there are always other parties for people who don't want to join a discord

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The mention has been enticing to many of those that actually pay attention.

The mention has been enticing to many of those that actually pay attention.

The in-game chat is more or less a show off chat in my party w/ the rare inquiry of which medals are better to use.

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Also no, I don't think there is an official kh13 party, but there's KH13 Leopardus


Originally created for the Europeans of KH13, now its just for whoever happens to want to join and is also on the forums, although I don't know if the new admins stick to that rule

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Some people with good medals are approaching 30 days of inactivity

There's only one person I can exempt bc they've actually communicated to me about their inactivity

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Well looks like my party is doomed to hell

People aren't accepting invitations and activity is still low

Maybe the update can bring them back

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