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There's more but yeah i kinda like ngl

It's probably not gonna happen tho

then again ventus summoned a keyblade that has edgy meaning or something


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but he was so cute in ending tho

and his chirithy seemed like a pure boi

but then vanitas is so evil and he does has amnesia

and the chirithy could be like the evil chrithy in x that was pretending to be good

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lol it's fine

So I check just in case this video mentions anything in KH3 and it doesn't

Just goes into why missing ache might help the "Ventus is the traitor" theory

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Dang how’s that +1000 happen

They gotta sort this RNG stuff out better

Should be after a certain amount of tries you start getting the traits ya want

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Only while the Booster is in effect.

The multiplier is p pathetic.

That was pull #9 of the deal w/ MonSora, Lea, and Kairi, btw.

And I used thirteen trait medals for those traits w/ those being the best.

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