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Kh3 critical mode discovered

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Bizkit047 was streaming Crit yesterday and it wasn't exactly great (though this is probably because the mode is unfinished). Sora does scratch damage with physical attacks the entire time and fights just take longer because your MP bar is cut in half.

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10 minutes ago, Karxrida said:

Bizkit047 was streaming Crit yesterday and it wasn't exactly great (though this is probably because the mode is unfinished). Sora does scratch damage with physical attacks the entire time and fights just take longer because your MP bar is cut in half.

It seems like a patch could fix this.

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32 minutes ago, Karxrida said:

Bizkit047 was streaming Crit yesterday and it wasn't exactly great (though this is probably because the mode is unfinished). Sora does scratch damage with physical attacks the entire time and fights just take longer because your MP bar is cut in half.

This sounds exactly like Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep's Critical Mode reading your description of Critical Mode in KH3. Which I hope turns out to be not the case because KH 0.2's Critical Mode was way to restrictive on your items and magic.

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