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I think dreams can represent a number of things. Where our minds at, maybe something subconsciously it's trying to tell us, or maybe it's showing us things inside us we deny or need to come to terms with.

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I too whenever I get an epic dream, I try to elaborate on why what happened in there happened

Usually the most epic ones take place after a long session of gaming/watching some shows (happened more as a kid)/processing ideas for my story

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Here ill give an example;

I was working with my aunt in a grocery store. Somehow Woody and Buzz from toy story worked there too, and they were about to train Sora, donald, and goofy. They said to them that if they mess up, theyll get a bad consequence.

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I remember having a KH dream when I was a kid; I was so excited for KH 2, I had a dream that Donald, right, opened this big magic book and it would have had the release date but then my mom woke me up -_-

.. wait did I predict the BOOK OF PROPHICIES???

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