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@xion_1589291124 wow grats!! Haha that is really good luck! That’s the camper you can’t even say no to living on your island ?

I had to get Raymond by first getting Audie from a random island, then I traded her for marshal, then traded marshal for Raymond lol

Then I got marshal back

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Eh. Debt was the easiest part about the game

Few weeks of turnip sales and it’s all paid off lol

There actually needs to be more things that cost money.. I have too much

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I haven’t needed to either

I probably will this week but just maybe a few 100k

And only really going to sell on my island unless someone in here or a friend of mine has a really good turnip price! I’m not really trying to spend too much time trying to join a queue and making multiple trips

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Yea, exactly. Like the game really doesn’t require “much” money after you get your house paid off

It would be cool if they brought out more really expensive stuff

Like you could buy both those crowns for a million each

But after that, nothing!

Like if the art for the museum costed like 100k + that would be cool

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Today on deviantart, I got a message from a furry asking if I take requests. Despite literally no one giving a shit about my drawings, the fact that a furry asked me that fateful question makes me feel like I've truly made it.

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