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first off his plans are not solid so he wants to charge the 1% more on taxes to fund the medicare for all but its not enough so where else will you get the money by going for the middle class and socialism is NOT the way its failed in every country its been in and i dont understand why people never do there research to see that it has failed

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@Otti#8624 one of my fellow students that is from the US had to move to germany because he couldn't afford to study in the US due to lack of health care etc. He told me that in the US they have to take out a loan for studying, because the costs are so damn high. He saved 80% of the costs because he moved to Germany. That's hilarious

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and the other students from South Korea moved to Germany because the education system there is bullshit laughsinnomura You need perfect grades to get into a good university in South Korea. Or you give a firetruck about your grades and just do your Bachelor in a foreign country

because it's easier to get into a good university in foreign countries than in South Korea

also companies love it, when you have experience with foreign countries


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Healthcare is a service, nobody chooses to get sick, and we all live in a society and depend on one another. You need to have some basic compassion for your neighbour.

Everybody pays a little bit in, and everyone gets something out of it

The country is only second to shitness to the US


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