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yeah, it shows why something doesn't work, so you can learn not to repeat those mistakes

That was the contention I had, now we're clear and have found out that we agree

Isn't actual polite discussion great seasalty

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And, also, I wanted to say, since for months, I probably gave off the opposite idea.. high expectations are not a bad thing, ever. It's when you let it become, say, nitpicking(sepeate from criticism) that it's a problem.. If you become detail-obsessed, it places an unrealstic demand, i think, and slows progress and real discussions and only serves to overwhelm or leave people defeated

it's like.. imagine a boss who nitpicks their employees

you're gonna leave your employees going "i can't do anything right" and it destroys moral, making employees give up on meeting expectations

Because you're only focusing on the detail of something.. instead of the efforts made or the qualities of working towards it

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they do, yea... And, most of those who nitpick(not all, because sometimes you can also be heathly about nitpicking, you just have to know how to acknowledge the efforts too), tend to come across as.. arrogrant, I feel. Questioning everything, editing any and all ideas, correcting all work, and becoming so fixated on detail that they "miss the forest for the trees" like you say..

And usually done out of a need to feel some kind of control

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