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okay I'm back just wanted to refresh myself a little

damn I will never get over how cool Bahamut looks nuking a literal continent

Its actually beautiful

like watching fire works, but fireworks that kill thousands

Answers and shadowbringers are the two trailers that still give me chills

with heavensward being a close 3rd

I will just have to see for myself in Shadowbringers when I get to it

The thing about all the other trailers, they involve the player facing something that isnt human, stormbloods trailer is just people

Stormblood is also really focused on showing the scenery

while in most other trailers the focus is on a specific event

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FF14 heavensward made me really sad


Haurchefaunt I still miss you


the way

Haurchefaunt talks made me so gripped to his character and him jumping in the way to save my character and still wanting my guy to smile was the sweetest thing


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