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yeah not much of a shocker

idk if I worry more for countries whose peopIe do or don't put on a mask

at Ieast you don't feeI betrayed with the ones that don't hide how they are?

but then you never ever have a moment of weIcome if they're unpIeasant

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I just think people get too worked up over them anyway lol

I come from the country where people tried to say "wearing a mask" was impeachment upon freedom lmao

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hey guys
so TIL

don't download dating apps as an attractive femme-presening person

men are...

I choose the bear let's keep it at that
and that got reinforced in me now

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I hope more people play the KH than there are people in this Discord. Missing Link will need all the support it can get. So many location based games don’t survive, sad times!

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this discord is not the definitive KH community lol. there are plenty of fans not in this server. consider the 6.7 million global sales for KH3. this server is a TINY fraction of that, and tinier for the amount of active users in this server

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