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Spicy hot take: vtubers should honestly consider streaming or recording without the avatar like either with their real face or leave the facecam off cuz the avatars are lowkey kinda off putting

Like they set off some primitive uneasy survival instinct in me I can’t explain

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Hotter take: don’t watch VTubers if you don’t like the avatars.

A VT model is the same as using a Model in VRChat. Aka, a means of self-expression. If you don’t like it, you can always rearrange and curate your own feed to not have them appear in your FYP.

No one is forcing you to watch VTubers. You don’t have to watch them if you don’t want to. It’s a community that’s not for everyone and ofc you’re not going to like every VT under the sun bc that’s unrealistic. But don’t go being a jerk about it because you don’t like it.

VTubers use avatars bc they want to emote and be expressive, but also value privacy, and the model is a happy medium. Also, some of the designs are lit as firetruck.

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No? That’s what it is.

It says a lot to me that, instead of trying to explain yourself more, you try to point to an emotion that isn’t there to invalidate everything I’ve said.

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Who said I do watch them? I don’t like them, that’s all I said. I don’t like blackberries, I don’t like their sourness, I don’t like their seeds. They are bad berries because of these characteristics. If you love them that’s fine. I never said they were forced on me. Please use thy brain, do you think I’d watch them if I didn’t like them? Do you think I’d eat blackberries if I hated their taste?I just said I don’t like them. And you’re out here writing enough text to paint a third of the floor of Tiananmen Square like it’s really that serious.

Like please become an anchor for 新闻联播 or some shit if you’re really that dedicated

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or taIk about them
or acknowIedge them

I just don’t want anything to do with them and that hurts IiteraIIy no one Imao

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Why did you bring Tiananmen Square into this 😭? And why are you even complaining about VTubers and their designs if you don’t watch them? That’s just counter intuitive and an actual waste of time.

Besides, you were being a jerk about VTubers because you were, very clearly, bashing on your friend for staying up to watch one. I’m not saying you’re a jerk bc you don’t like VTubers, I’m saying you’re a jerk because you’re making fun of a friend for simply watching them, when it’s the same thing as staying up to watch a trailer or music when it first drops?

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“I am wondering if that is socially acceptable behavior” is not “very clearly bashing”. If it is to you please step outside and smell some roses.

I am complaining about them because I don’t like them. It is very simple. I trust that you are old enough to realize people can have strong opinions and tend to express them on the internet.

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You “wondering if that is socially acceptable behavior” is* a form of bashing because you are, whether you mean to or not, criticizing your friend for experiencing and watching something that brings them joy, all because *you don’t like VTubers.

Of course you can express an opinion on the internet, you just also have to prepare for possible backlash. I know this well because this is what happened to me a couple months ago and I still receive backlash to this day.

The problem here isn’t that you’re complaining about VTubers, the problem is you’re criticizing your friend for consuming a specific type of media that you happen to not enjoy and then use that as an excuse to complain and bash the industry as a whole.


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