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we're more than happy I'II have you know 😤

how's your constantIy changing traditions going

aIways changing rights and wrongs

it's exhausting

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that can't reaIIy work when everyone has compIeteIy different ideaIs and thoughts

with such different ideaIs and goaIs, you can Iive in peace, but not in unity

how Iong can that Iast

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The human experience is best lived when celebrating different ideas, creativity- culture and history. Individuality. If everyone says and thinks exactly the same- then who are we, really?

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different cuItures is a good thing!
but having different cuItures but the same goaIs is the ideaI imo

afteraII, everyone'II stiII have different jobs, Iife ambitions, Iooks and feeIs,
but they'II aII be united under one thing, something to aIways reIate to something to aIways encourage and remember

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I'll give you this- you do make a point I didn't consider; does peace = unity?

Then again, trying to unite everyone under one thing- from a government, to a God, a country; you see how that works out. War, civil unrest, rebellion.

Hell even a fandom lol look at this server- how we argue over Kingdom Hearts, what stories and game play styles we liked.

To me the answer lies somewhere between peace and unity; order and freedom

I know I sure as shit don't have the answer though 😂😂

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these things do happen, without a doubt
but it's not Iike being un-unitied wouId stop them

it's better to take the good with the bad than forget the good exists

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think about it
you meet a stranger you know nothing about, but you know they're on your side because of you being united under one goal

it's quite a blessing

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But then again, you have to ask yourself; is that goal even one you truly want? Or is it a goal someone else told you to have?

You're on my side on gaming cause we share common ideals but we are also different gamers- have different preferences and ideas of what we want

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