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Vanitas looks like Sora but he's really just another Ventus

Course sense Sora's heart semi merged with Ventus you could say Ventus is half Sora, which at most makes Vanitas a quarter Sora

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@Snakeskin94_1642611873 you're right! The server itself is pretty active and friendly
However when KH3 came out that was pretty much peak activity for here

Sadly a group of regulars left due to reasons so it's been on the quiet end since

I'd love it if this place stayed active and friendly as we have been for a while now but I'm also not gonna be that guy who forces a bunch of events and conversations that people don't wanna have ya know?
Especially since KH is in the dry state

But I believe in yall to keep the engines running and happy here lol

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Good to know- thanks for that Golden.

I was at that D23 where they showed off Toy Story

Bro, I shit you not, KH got the loudest pops that day

More than Marvel, more than Star Wars.

It was crazy.

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