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Bear in mind, this is coming from a bi man who doesn't like for everyone to know that he's bi. Bleh. Too much commotion. Once you mention your sexuality nobody shuts up about it.

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But for real, I see a lot of allies, and some non allies where, like, they just see the label and not the person, you know?

Label is the wrong word but I have a limited vocabulary lol

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Nah you hit the nail on the head. And that's just the problem I have with pride month. Nobody cares that there's an actual person behind the label; they just care that you're gay so they can make themselves appear like a good person. Just slap a rainbow background on your pfp and BAM! Instant saint!

Yet when the time comes to put their money where their mouth is, how many people you see leaping up to volunteer? How many make a difference by being the difference?

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Too true

Current age has also made it really easy to put up and not shut up too; like you can say you support this and that and get some likes, or positive retweets but, it doesn't do much in the grand scheme.

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