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its the villain teams to take on spiderman basically in the comics s6 usually are doc ock, venom (sometime), green gobin, kringin (usually the leader), electro, vulture. sometime negative man sometime other villains like kraken. its usually which comics you read like amazing or ulimate which has different sinster 6 sometime

also two out of that 6 doesnt make sense cause

two of them turned good at the end and one died saving peter


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Giant tortoise preconceived to be extinct for 100 years found on Galapagos Islands: https://weather.com/science/nature/video/giant-tortoise-thought-to-be-extinct-100-years-ago-found-in-the-galapagos

NASA released new image of the Milky Way center and it turns out that it's not filled w/ nougat. https://weather.com/science/space/video/spectacular-new-image-of-the-milky-way-released-by-nasa

NASA released new image of the Milky Way center and it turns out that it's not filled w/ nougat. https://weather.com/science/space/video/spectacular-new-image-of-the-milky-way-released-by-nasa

Bees have figured out how to work together to unscrew bottle caps. https://weather.com/science/nature/video/clever-bees-work-together-to-unscrew-bottle

Upcoming Celestial events in June: https://weather.com/science/space/video/best-night-sky-events-in-june

Upcoming Celestial events in June: https://weather.com/science/space/video/best-night-sky-events-in-june

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sounds goshdarn iIIegaI

aIso, l hope someone mods in AxeI and Xion's outfits in game, l know there's a version of Xion but that one repIaces Sora sooo

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