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I still have to play advent force lol it's just been sitting in my library. I'm just always bad with turn based which is why I tend to have more fun with the games like neptunia U and 4goddesses

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Supposedly there was an original trilogy before the rebirth series that had a lot of different story aspects to them, but I didn't ever like the concept of them just because apparently they gave up their CPU powers lol

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I do kinda miss how the neptunia games were kind of narratives of the game consoles

Like there was that whole part where Laststation had that data breach, like the ps3 hack or whatever it was that I had completely forgotten about until neptunia reminded me

but at the same point like nothing really controversial is happening like that anymore lol

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I mean they're pretty spot on with the characterizations tho

xbox is big and lazy
playstation is pretty much at the forefront
And then Wii isn't really in the game it's just trying to be generally fun for everyone

and then neptune is sega

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