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I had a dream I was at a school assembly and everyone had to take off their shoes for some reason

At the end, I found out that somebody stole mine and I learned that it was the principal. A friend and I planned a heist that night to steal them back

When we attempted the heist, I ran into the principal prematurely and found out that she had a keyblade. Then I woke up

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He is easily the biggest lol! Running through the streets of water 7 as him is tight ?

But they made a lot of buildings destructible! So just by walking into them you are wrecking everything lol

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I like how Persona 5 changed from a game that requires strategy to a dogshit "spamming the same move over and over again" pokemon like game

guns are so broken

it's embarrassing

you win every mobfight in royal by just spamming gun attacks

there are normal enemies that have gun resistance but they are pretty rare

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