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I'm having trouble even processing my thoughts on what that senator said into words

Basically, I'm interpreting their words as "oh, muslims commit faith based crimes on a daily bases, therefore although """""""""I condemn violence""""""""" this was ok"

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I've seen a lot of hate from christians in my community towards this event and it boils my blood to say the least, as someone in a Christian household

The fact of the matter is that people died.
It shouldn't matter who or what they were. People were killed out of spite. Period.

also another thing infuriating me is how people are turning a moral situation political on both sides

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I looks like he's implying that it was okay b/c of the fact that they're Muslim and even faulted it due to the fear of what others misleadingingly do in its name. It's ironic where the actual violence came from, which didn't seem to be in direct retaliation.

He's almost patting the perpetrators on the back.

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they've invited supporters of the idea of "The Great Replacement" on TV here


I hate my country for that

always inviting the notorious peoples and their disgusting ideas, never the people actually concerned by the subject

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Everytime there's an opportunity to spit on islam and Muslim in France, people will jump on the occasion

in a country that promotes secularism, this is firetrucking hypocritical

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Well, there are worse places, but indeed, they have a long way to go before being left alone

People are so obsessed with that religion here, it almost kills their arguments

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Secularism here is expressed in institutions, the church was separated from the state since 1901 (or 1905 I forgot), institutions such as school are secular (you shouldn't show very visible religious signs) but that's about it, people are still free to have the religions they want

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