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> Why should I give a shit about Kairi when the creator himself barely gives two shits
Real talk, of course I understand the point of view.

Why do you think I don't give a shit about KH anymore. When the games start being good again I'll come back

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I have 0 reason to believe Kairi is going to get good, and I have 0 hope for it. If it happens one day, then awesome, that's when I will like Kairi but with the way things are going now I am not.

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Look I’m not gonna lie remind was giving me high firetrucking hopes and then I load up this goddamn limit cut and we come to found out that THE LIMIT IT CUT WAS HER GODDAMN POTENTIAL

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I get that mentality but I don't agree, as someone who liked Kairi in KH1 I still hope that she'll become something worthwhile and I'll never stop complaining and memeing until she does

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yo yo tho
kh3 kairi
cinderella - breaks into glass
Alice - goes to that weird ass training forest
Snow white - dies but then comes back
Aurora - is asleep
Jasmine - acts all independent and stuff but then relies on sora
Belle - in love with a beast

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