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yep otti said it

yeah the disney worlds aren't really there to be their own standalone story

they're there for the game's story, and to see their interactions with the characters

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but at some point, you do want the worlds to be well true to themselves and faithful to the original movies

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yeah the disney worlds are kind of just part of the journey not the destination which is why there's not much emphasis on having an original story in them

that basically means getting a kingdom hearts game

solely devoted to kingdom hearts's plot

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I guess the question is, do you find even a modicum of enjoyment with the Disney worlds, because personally if over a half a game isn't enjoyable to me then I'm not going to bother playing it. Regardless of if I like the other 40%, if I don't care for 60% of the game then I'm not going to bother playing the games at all

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that's fine in my opinion, because as much as I like kh's lore, the disney aspect is the main attraction or at least it was for me, when I first started playing kh I Was super young and I picked up kh2 for the first bit I was really confused and was like eh I might not want to play this game much longer then suddenly I switched characters and there's donald and goofy in my party and then Im going to disney worlds

so what I guess what i'm trying to say is disney is a part of kingdom hearts so if you take that away, it's not really kh anymore

especially for newcomers, they're definitely not gonna be interested in kh's plot most likely

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I think Slash's point is to make them connect more between the og stuff and Disney

Rather than Disney just being something you go through and then the main stuff after

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he was making 2 points, I was replying to the one where he meant that the kh plot should move forward more

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i get disney has to be in there but they way they been treating disney worlds tbh the series could survive with original worlds and like 2 disney ones

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