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Axel either sucked so bad he couldnt even hit him or Xemnas is so strong that he can catch a keyblade

but think about that, the keyblades are like magic and stuff, they are designed to cut through pretty much anything and this guy caught it while it was already swinging

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yeah he was way stronger than axel at this moment iguess

next month he'll have sora inside his heart so it's gonna be another story

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But to address it.. Being in charge or less in charge of choices doesn't mean the story is any less show don't tell, and similarly, you.. do have choice? You have the choice to do tangled first over toy box(but well, why would you?) and frozen over, what was it, the factory? But going by battle order and level that has always been ther eint he gameplay of the series well... That's always been a thing to follow and you're expected to followit.. Just because you're open int eh choice you get of world selection, doesn't mean the other world is any easier. Yes, we do get those cutscenes between worlds, but we have to move the plot forward somehow, and a story can't strictly jjust be "just show don't tell", but it can certainly operate on that mostly.

And we saw no fatigue with Aqua, you're right, but for months, people theorized and looked generall at what happened to her, and it was clear: Aqua had PTSD, and that's why she just gave up in the keyblade graveyard. That's literally show don't tell, we're told nothing about it, and if you just took what they said about "aqua you should rest", then that's more that you didn't realize what they were trying to convoy there, then?

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cause it generally show aftermaths of thing and all the weirdos liek to tell us weird thing but we still don't understand anything

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