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12. Criticism must be constructive. We allow people to criticize games, movies, shows, etc. But to prevent it from getting too repetitive/spammy, we'd like you to elaborate whenever you express your views on a certain subject. Instead of repeating "this game sucked" over and over again. Please try to explain why you feel that way, and what you think could make it better.
This also goes the other way around. If you disagree with someones opinion, please explain why you disagree with them, instead of attacking them.

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Alright, the KH3 ultimania explanations are not good writing because first of all it explains key stuff necessary to know in a book only accessible to a very small amount of the fanbase,

2nd) the explanations offered often outright contradict previous solid information, or create impenetrable continuity snarls (xion in particular being a big one)

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