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Yeah but look what experimentation got us before

I mean people like command deck etc, that's fine

But for me I think going with this KH2 style is good

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KH.. is.. a really weird boat,tbh

On one hand.. experimentation is what has bought newcomers and kept it fresh for some fans(not all)

on the other,playing it familiar also keeps fans,new and old

So Kh is always going to be in this weird.. semi-back and forth

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but its not really experimanttion though is it

its an extension of the keybalde swapping mechanic


it will keep the games frehs with combat

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KH3 did build off KH2 and change stuff up

Although whether you agree with the changes, is another matter

However I wouldn't mind a bit more depth to the gameplay

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DMC5 just made me realise you can have alot of weapons and still have a sick firetrucking combat system with all these different moves

whats kh3 got?

press circle mid combo once or twice?

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I think they can enhance it rather than change it, tbf I think that's what they tried to do for 3 but they ended up making it too easy and too much at once

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