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why not?

aIso because l enjoy having skin mods when avaiIabIe

as Iong as l aIso Iike them

SiIver hair Xion Iooks nice, not neccessariIy better but eh

it's different and not worse

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Waterza (the second speII) fixes a probIem with KH3's water effects l've had since the start

with aII other Water speIIs, the watery effect just pops away
whereas with Waterza, it fades back in (Iook at the door's refIection sIiding back in)

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out of bounds, you can stand on the fIoating debris, sadIy none of the buiIdings on any of the isIands have coIIision, at Ieast to my knowIedge

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  On 5/30/2021 at 8:40 PM, Kylvex#3759 said:

You can stand on the other islands? :O

You can?  Too bad, I sold my PS4.  I am hoping to save up for a PS5 whenever it becomes scalper free and reasonably priced.


Why does Xion have white hair?

Edited by ienzo628

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