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On the other hand, there's also one guy on Twitter who's non-stop KH3 defence. I cant get too annoyed with someone for defending a product, but he's at it so constantly and in every single twitter reply that it becomes rather whiny. Doesn't help that his avatar is an Ace Attorney character I like

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Like bro, it's just a game. They are other things in life besides games. Don't get me wrong, play as much but there's things in life to do besides fighting/defending over a game online

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Like my god I’d rather be playing the shit I threw my money at over crying about it online

And that’s exactly what I’m about to go do :imoybruh:

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I mean sure we’ve all done it to some extent I’m sure

But I know the two y’all are talking about and it’s just like my god are they even into anything else? When do they find the time to finish a series if they’re seen over there as often as they are naminelaugh

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Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone has, it's the reason why we have The Internet lol

For the keyblade plus classic sora. Speaking of has anyone mod classic sora

Toon sora

Also the anti form sora from kh2 mod reminds me of VERSUS 13 Noctis ? his old clothes

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