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I don't think the story is unfinished in 3. I think unlike FFXV the story makes sense. It's just that they barely put in content and just the things that were necessary so no one shits on the story like ppl did with ffxv

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Everything happening in quick succession didn't help matters

No time to settle down and fully grasp what was happening, on to the next character being brought back to life out of nowhere

And KBG improved as it went along but the very first cutscenes in that world are just terrible

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in 3 I think it's different. You don't necessarily have to know why Aqua gave so fast up during the demon storm scene because her whole expression made clear that she has ptsd from darkness. In 3 they showed except for the Lingering Will vs Terranort part at least the context

in ffxv they didn't show the context

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