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Connah plz, you don't know that so enough with those wild assumptions. Unless you have something to back it up. Also what even is UX bait? Outside of crap UX banners? The story is now canon so if it involves UX you just gotta accept it.

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I for one, am looking forward to the fact that the UX story will now involve the characters I care about in the narrative instead of the residentsleeper foretellers and dandelions

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Ux bait?

I’m talking about what they done with KH3

“Wow that was interesting! Looks like you’ll have to play out mobile game to find out more!”

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Well you don't and I wouldn't consider it bait since the story is literally connected to what's happening right now. Like realistically to understand what is going on in KH3 you don't really need to see more than Back Cover and whats already given to you in the memories section of 3. There are hints to things currently going on in UX because obviously that's for everything to come which is what you really need to watch Ux's story for.

Like most of this is more, set up for what's to come rather than baiting you to play a freaking mobile game. I mean it sucks that the story is still being spread across multiple platforms but it's not written in a way that it outright dangles Ux in your face. Most of the stuff people are mad about, know it exists in Ux. Other people are just confused as to what some things could be referring to but on the bright side those things don't have massive conclusions or bearings on 3 by the time we get to the end of it. Course this does lead to issues I have with 3's story but I have already discussed this and im kind of beyond it all at this point. That aside none of this really tells me why 3's DLC is going to be shit like you say.

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