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Morality Question about Piracy (Read before flaming)

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Okay, so for anyone who hasn't read my post about it, I had my PSP stolen almost two weeks ago, along with my memory stick and BBS game since they were inside.


However, because of some very nice people on craigslist, I am getting a replacement PSP from someone for nearly dirt cheap ($90, $130 @ GS), but at least not for a while since I am unemployed will I be able to replace BBS or my memory stick. I actually rented some stuff to my parents with the intent of returning the money to get my stuff back, but didn't have enough stuff to be able to replace the extras.


So, I've never actually considered this until now, and depending on how this conversation/debate actually goes will make my mind up, BUT my question to you guys, in simplest form, is what makes Piracy what it is?


How morally correct would I be if I were to follow instructions from someone on the vast internet and hacked my PSP so I could download BBS from some site and play it off the memory stick until I can afford to replace it?


Realizing how easy it would be to continue pirating, would I still be completely wrong to go about doing this as long as I re-bought the game (or actually manage to get mine back) when I could and did not pirate any other games, reverting the PSP back to official firmware once I have the UMD for BBS again?


Please guys, no flaming or hating or anything like that, as I want honest discussion (and mods, if you see it turning into that, please feel free to lock it up tight). Also, don't bring laws into this discussion, because I know the law is the law, and that technically doing this is illegal, but we all know that some laws are flawed, and sometimes backfire (like the no search without a warrant thing, the only thing preventing me from getting it back). I just want a moral standing point on it.


Personally, given the circumstances, I believe it is perfectly moral to do this, as long as I stick to the plan of buying it once I have the money for it. I do not believe this to be the case for everything, just because of the circumstances of the game having been owned but stolen, since if it was not stolen, it would still be owned.

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Piracy is theft and will be treated by the Authorities as theft. Once caught it is not as simple as paying back the cost of the game. Depending on the decision of the judge you may either serve jail time or a large fee of around 30,000 dollars.


Plus, a lot of those sites are government run. As a certain admiral would say...




Yes it is. The FBI is well known for setting up fake sites for piracy. Once you get your download, they get your IP and in a few days two men in suits will be ringing your doorbell.


I know you said don't bring the law into this but I really have to. Just because of the consequences.


And if the FBI doesn't get you, the hackers and virus programmers will.


Two wrongs don't make a right. DrkChkn









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I can see how you think your owed your KH game since it was stolen and you can in your perspective to use this victimhood to justify pirating it. I mean if your PSP and shit were broken by accident by you, you'd probably feel less wronged and so inclined wouldn't feel as moraly immune to stealing it.


Plus the only thing a hacked PSP is good for is piracy, that means theres no point in buying games that wont work for it so you'll feel the only thing you can do with it is pirate. As far as I know it cant be unhacked, so dont go there.


I know you said dont go there but like Fredfred said the legal implications are impeccable.

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pretty much downloading anything of the internet is piracy unless it is authorised by the creator.


keep away from it, believe it or not alot of people do get jailed on proof of piracy. the internet can give unlimited information to you, but piracy police with backtracking software (except they don't dun goofed) can get unlimited information about YOU


@Fred: two wrong don't make a right

two negatives do make a positive

but two positives don't make a negative

two positives just make a bigger positive

and actually 2 rights don't make a left

but 3 rights make a left

2 rights make a half turn

0 lefts or rights make nothing.

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