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About KH3

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I've been hoping for a few things in KH3, and I figured I might share them... a wishlist of sorts


- More in depth worlds, like in the very first game, but even more so. More characters in each world (so it doesn't feel empty), more places to explore, both optional and mandatory, reasons to keep coming back to the world (in some cases in other KH games once I beat the world, there was no reason to ever come back), and a little more elbow space. Like some free-roaming-ish qualities. Emphasis on the ish.

- Items and keyblades worth getting. There needs to be a more rewarding feeling. And make the munny a bit more useful and harder to get, per se. But yeah, sometimes I felt like there was no need to use some keyblades. Like, it could be that you have to switch keyblades for different situations more. And then there's the items like rings, synthesis, and stuff like that. Really go all out on them.

- More puzzles! I've always wanted to have to think in a KH game rather than just some fights, proceed to the next room, fight, next room. Blah. Yes this is a Zelda-oriented inspiration :3

- Less vague disney worlds. I want to feel like I'm in the world, and a little more involved (rather than show up in world, defeat heartless, find keyhole, go home). I really want to feel a connection to the ally and hate the world villain, y'know?

- Final Fantasy worlds! Nuff said

- Sidequests sidequests SIDEQUESTS! Kingdom Hearts could really pull it off. And this ties in with having more characters roaming around in each world. Fill in everything!

- Gummi Ship needs to have replay value. In KH2, there were the missions that I never even thought of completing. Fix that

- Magic needs to be more used and more appreciated. Perhaps magic could tie in with the puzzles?

- More involvement of the party members. I want to feel like Donald and Goofy are just as involved as I am.

- Less spammy reaction commands.

- Abilities need to be more reusable. Let's try to incorporate them into puzzles, exploration, and the general 'coming back to a world to find things with new abilities'. They did a little bit of this in KH1, but there could be more. This means more ways and places to use abilities, and more abilities in general.

- Trinities anyone? I would love to see some Sora, Donald and Goofy teamwork outside of battle, and the Trinities did just that. But let's make them even more great. How exactly I don't know...help me out here, lol

- Fun minigames! I hate to say it, but so far, the KH minigames have been lackluster. However, BBS had a few better minigames, but KH can still do better. Let's make 100 Acre Wood and Disney Town worth revisiting! And this ties along with another thing. Make some things (like Pirate Ships) more hands on. Hands on hands on hands on!

- Make the Drive Forms have individual strengths and weaknesses that are noticeable. For instance, once you get Final Form, there is almost no reason to use wisdom form.


That's all I can think of now, but tell me what you think, and feel free to add on :)

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i want the keyblade rider and riku aqua or kairi as party members and also i don't want the mini gummi ship missions that was annoying even though they were easy it just took long and wasted my time

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well goofy and donald could be using star shards like mickey and so they would be like flying nxt to sora and while your flying all three could battle against heartless (as if they were fighting normally) ^_^


They already are. What was called a Star Shard in BBS will go on to be called gummi blocks.

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And as far as plot goes, it wouldn't make too much sense that they'd just pull the Keyblade ride out of nowhere. But maybe once Sora rescues Aqua, Ven or Terra, they teach him how to use one or something like that. Everyone happy? lol

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I agree with pretty much all of those. ESPECIALLY the more depth in worlds thing and more extra people. The worlds always feel so empty, like your saving nothing from heartless. Cuz you know how it is, you always skip heartless just to get to the new place in the world. But if it actually had heartless attacking or bothering a citizen, then you'll feel more implied to go save them.

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well goofy and donald could be using star shards like mickey and so they would be like flying nxt to sora and while your flying all three could battle against heartless (as if they were fighting normally) ^_^


They already are. What was called a Star Shard in BBS will go on to be called gummi blocks.


well i know they go on to be called gummi blocks xD, but just for them to fly around like mickey instead of a blocky ship

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I agree with pretty much all of those. ESPECIALLY the more depth in worlds thing and more extra people. The worlds always feel so empty, like your saving nothing from heartless. Cuz you know how it is, you always skip heartless just to get to the new place in the world. But if it actually had heartless attacking or bothering a citizen, then you'll feel more implied to go save them.


Yes, exactly! I always feel like there should be people roaming about Agrabah or mermaids swimming all around Atlantica. Stuff like that.

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If KH3 doesn't get in depth worlds on the ps3 I'm gonna be so angry. Like say for Radiant Garden, this place can be huge and when you are like at center square or near like the houses, you should be able to see citizens of Radiant Garden walking around. Like if they bring back Hercules world back like they have done with every game so far, they should like have both the underworld and games dome thingy. But also like add in the city of Thebes. Aladins world should be full of people buying things from vendors in some places. Just give the worlds character and not that hallow feeling. I know that game shows like Xplay have withheld 5/5 cuz the emptiness of the worlds.


And I think it would be cool if they made magic important like it could be in BBS. Plus the melding process was awesome.


But I hope even with the graphics engine in the ps3 that they keep true to the style of kh... it'd be weird to see like a realistic looking Sora. xD

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I think they should put just a little more bosses in it like MF...well...not exactly like MF but just a little bit easier, and not those heartless bosses but just some more "person" bosses ya know?

Just like what they did with all org. XIII members: Data bosses of the persons you've already fought but then a little harder.

I'd think that would rule!

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I sholud want that you could use two keyblades without useing any drive that would be cool and i would like that you could play as riku or mikey


Well as far as playing as Riku goes, KH3D is gonna have that covered (or so we believe). And who knows, maybe Mickey will be popping up in boss fights again.

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