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Lack of postgame bosses in KH3

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Anyone else feel like the postgame in KH3 is lacking? All we have is Dark Inferno who i can easily beat in 2 minutes at Level 99 w/ Ultima Weapon. Back in KH2FM we had Sephiroth and Lingering Will which i struggled with even at LVL99 with Ultima and maxed gear. There was also Olympus cups which were fun too. The battlegates in KH3 are super easy even on proud as you can just spam -ga magic and wipe everything on screen. I really hope we get more bosses postgame in future DLC updates; if we don't then i can say for sure that KH3 has the worst postgame in the entire series. Even the handheld games had more postgame content than KH3 does...

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I agree, but then again, there's way more to explore in KH3 than in previous titles. There are the lucky emblems, photo missions (is that even what they're called?), treasure chests and secret reports (although I agree that the battlegates are extremely easy). Plus it has TONS of minigames (although personally I'm not a fan). So even without secret bosses, there's plenty to do. And didn't original KH2 only have one secret boss as well?

Personally, it's fine by me that there's only one secret boss, but I would've liked it to be a bit more... interesting, I suppose? Sephiroth was always cool because he was someone we already knew, and even if you weren't familiar with FF7 he still seemed really intimidating. Dark Inferno was kinda just there, not very interesting designwise or otherwise (just my opinion, though). And it was way to easy, although so is the rest of the game.

I guess it's possible we'd get more secret bosses via DLC.

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The post game content is basically on par with the original KH2. And not the final mixes, I think the final mixes got us use to so much post game content that going back to a regular non Final mix game with not as much content was weird for people.

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I would be shocked if they didn't add at least a couple of secret bosses with the DLC that we all know is coming. The original versions of KH2 and BBS didn't really have a ton of secret bosses/post-game content either.

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That is the problem a lot of people seem to be having.  They keep trying to compare KH3 with KH2FM.  You need to look at it as a base game, like KH2, not a Final Mix.  The Final Mix DLC will be coming and will add more content, as well as several smaller DLC.  This is in line with every other non-final mix game.  If you take a look throughout the base series for Secret Bosses:

KH1 Japan: Phantom

KH1 International: Phantom, Kurt Zisa, Ice Titan, Sephiroth

KH CoM/Re: CoM: None

KH2: Sephiroth

KH 358/2 Days: Dustflyer

KH BBS Japan: Vanitas Lingering Sentiment

KH BBS International: Vanitas Lingering Sentiment, Mysterious Figure (Young Xehanort)

KH Re: Coded: Data Bug Riku

KH DDD: Julius


As you can see, most base KH games only had one Secret Boss, with KH1 International having the most with 4 (which was the whole reason Final Mixes were created in the first place)  It wasn't until KH1, KH2, and BBS all got Final Mixes that they got more bosses, with KH1 getting the International bosses, as well as Mysterious Unknown (Xemnas), KH2 getting the Data Org and Lingering Will, and BBS getting MF for Japanese players, as well as Armor of the Master and No Heart.  So once we get the Final Mix DLC for KH3 I'm certain we'll get more endgame content.

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