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New GameStop short commercial for KH3?

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I was just browsing my local town's newspaper site and came across a short, funny ad/commercial for KH3 with a duck and a dog and a guy dressed up as Sora. Anyone else seeing this? Trying to link it but it just takes me to GameStops website. Dont really post much on here anymore either, just wondering if this commercial was reported before?

Edit: tried again, but definitely just redirects me to GameStops site for newest releases, etc. Not under the media tab for KH3 either on GameStops site. It's a very short skit commercial with a real dog wearing parts Goofy's costume and a real duck wearing parts of Donald's costume and a guy dressed like Sora saying "Guys, you aren't taking this seriously..." after a few seconds and then an announcer (which kinda sounds like HJO) says "Go on a real adventure..." or something close to it and says pick up KH3 at GameStop and then the typical black screen GameStop logo background, display of both games for xbox and ps4, website address, etc. 

Seems to be an easy find to keep reloading the webpage and running into the ad again.

Added photo for proof its real. Sorry for blackouts, but dont want anyone knowing where I live.


Edited by Cricket

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