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Things ot Laugh about that happened to me.

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Well here are some things that happened to me this week that you can laugh about:


My mother thought I was hitting on my best friend (Who is a girl)


Somebody told me that my Character Jatsu is a silly b*tch


I want a medical degree and I want to be an author. I just realized that I wanted to have a medical degree and when I told my mother she said, "Finally, I don't need to worry that you will be an epic fail!"

Thanks mom -_-


Oh and I proved that the conventail writing style is shi* for real writer's and poets.


Yes I am a friggin nerd, but just something to laugh about.

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We, nerds, help out other fellow nerds. Good luck with your medical degree, even though I think you fir the author role best. Your mother sounds just like mine. :D And... I agree with your opnion about conventional writing style. :P

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We nerds role and Gi I am going to be an author but have a medical degree for a back up if my book fails. Dud me and you two more years and we will be in school for medical field! My mom loves me but she thinks my goals as an author are to far fetched for reality

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I've already gotten used to that, when I said I was going to be a cinema director she said "You're dreaming too high, you know you'll never be able to do something like that, why don't you chose a normal carreer?" And, since I still love my life, I didn't tell her my other goals for life. But you can chose whatever you want, parents won't be able to interfere when the time for university comes. :D

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