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This is it folks! 


The last day...the final day before KH3 is officially released!! The last day in a KH3-less world...

It's been a long journey to get here, huh?

13 years since Kairi found that bottle from the King on the beach at the end of KH2 and we all began to wonder what came next.

17 years since Sora started on his grande adventure. 

It's here....it's really, REALLY here!

How to spend this final day?

Why dont we all share what this means to us?

And maybe share our favorite stories or memories in this long journey we took to get here.

When did you start? Which game? What was the moment you fell in love with the game and knew you had to see it through to the end?

What was your happiest moment?

What made you cry?

Anything you want!!

It's here guys!! 




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This has been such a long journey. My older sister got me into Kingdom Hearts back in 2007, and the rest is history. Now it's my turn to get her back up to speed on all the things that have happened since so she's ready for KHIII.

I've had such good moments in the series. I've laughed at the silliness. I've cried and nearly got tears on my DS. This series and these characters just mean so much to me. I can't wait to see the gang all back for another adventure. No matter how convoluted or crazy the story got it never drove me away, it just left me wanting more.

There are so many things I want to see in Kingdom Hearts 3. Sora meeting Ventus! Ventus meeting Roxas! Trio reunions! Everybody confusing Xion for somebody else when they first see her. All the Soras in one room. Kairi destroying a boss. Terra regaining his body. Namine in general.

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My kingdom hearts journey has been a fun and interesting one to say the least. the first one I played was kingdom hearts 1, but I don't know how I got it. Not sure if it was a Christmas gift or something I just know that one day I saw it and was like what's this? I decided to play it and so my journey began.

Being that im here now days away from kingdom hearts 3 being in my very own hands means a lot. Especially cause I almost gave up on the series in kingdom hearts 1. I got lost in deep jungle and couldn't figure out where to go so I gave up. My cousin had both kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and I saw 2 cause Id never seen it before and I said "hey I like this game, (I was lying for no reason at all)" I ended up playing kh2 in its entirety and the opening cinematic made me go back and kh1 in it's entirety and honestly ever since playing through 1 I've been hooked. I've laughed at the moments for laughing and got sad or had my heart strings tugged at during the sad moments. My favorite moments come from kh1 and kh2. In kh1 its the end when Sora and Kairi get separated again and he promises to come back for her. It's so poetic. I can't wait for KH3. its the thing I've been most excited for, for such a long time

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