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I'd prefer if the mature [age wise] members reply but everyone's welcome.


I've been going out with my girlfriend for a few months now and I've been wondering if we should have intercoarse. We've talked about it a little but none of us decided to. So Im wondering does sex matter or not? Cause I already feel happy and comfortable with her and she says girls arent interested in sex that much...

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I'm 15 but have worked arounf Navy Seals and Marines so I have some understanding of this, plus I was raised by my mother and sister, so I kinds see into a women's mind. I say it does not matter if you are happy with her, I mean unless she wants to than why do it? Ya know what I am saying? I hope this helps.

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If you do not meet the age of consent in your state/country and you did it you are officially a rapist.


And use protection... we don't want close any pools.


And no, sex doesn't matter for a relationship.

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We all know the consequences of having sex when you're too young/not married. Pregnancy, STD's, bad habit, etc.


Do keep in mind that having sex isn't something to be so casual about. Maybe to you it won't matter but for your girlfriend it will. Girls think differently about that kind of stuff. Besides, if you guys were to have an accident where she gets pregnant, guess who has to put up with the baby stuff. /:


Just saying. From what I know, you guys are old enough to make your own decisions. But, take responsibilities for your actions. There's nothing more that I hate than guys that can't do that.

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(I'm not bragging here) If I left a girl pregnant, I would put all the blame on one person, and one person only... me. I would say that it was my fault she got pregnant and carry all the responsability that comes with it. So if you two want to you can do it, but if she or you don't want to then don't do it. It is totally natural for a person who's dating someone for a long time to question him/herself about these things. (and now i start to question myself "how can a 15 year old kid like me say such things?") But anyways not all relationships have to end up in sexual intercourse, so you feel comfortable around her, that's okay, but don't rush it. And if you do decide to do it, don't forget about protection.

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I also agree that sex doesn't matter in a relationship. If you want to have sex then have sex. But if you don't, that's ok. Sex isn't a must-do thing. You love eachother and are confortable with eachother and that's all that matters. However, if you do have sex and say the protection you used (because you really should use protection) doesn't work and you get her pregnant you have to take care of the baby. From life experience, I know that it's hard growing up without a ral father in my life. I think a relationship is something that you need to take in steps.

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jennay is right, i am only 14 but i have known people who are 16 with kids, it's not something to fool around with, yet you have the power to make these decisions on your own but please heed my warning.

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From life experience, I know that it's hard growing up without a real father in my life.


I totally get where you're coming from. I meet my dad when I was 7 & he left again when I was 10.

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I'd prefer if the mature [age wise] members reply but everyone's welcome.


I've been going out with my girlfriend for a few months now and I've been wondering if we should have intercoarse. We've talked about it a little but none of us decided to. So Im wondering does sex matter or not? Cause I already feel happy and comfortable with her and she says girls arent interested in sex that much...


They are lying

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Yeah i agree with Eterna. She is lying. Girls are interested in it almost as much as males, well when they are older that is.

Sex clearly does not matter. But it can make you feel closer to your girlfriend and make your relationship more intimate.


Also its fun:)

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Yeah i agree with Eterna. She is lying. Girls are interested in it almost as much as males, well when they are older that is.

Sex clearly does not matter. But it can make you feel closer to your girlfriend and make your relationship more intimate.


Also its fun:)


Yeah you would know from the other night.

Like I needed to know you two did it.



Good luck in making your decision Card.

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Yeah i agree with Eterna. She is lying. Girls are interested in it almost as much as males, well when they are older that is.

Sex clearly does not matter. But it can make you feel closer to your girlfriend and make your relationship more intimate.


Also its fun:)


Yeah you would know from the other night.

Like I needed to know you two did it.



Good luck in making your decision Card.



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If you do not meet the age of consent in your state/country and you did it you are officially a rapist.


And use protection... we don't want close any pools.


And no, sex doesn't matter for a relationship.


Unless he lives in Cameroon, Tunisia, Madagascar, or his girlfriend is underage, he's fine on that part. Though I think it's pretty ridiculous to make a legal age for making love consentually. If there is consent on both ends and there's no creepy gap of age, who cares?


Anyway, if your girlfriend is for it, go for it. You probably know all the precautionary stuff, so yeah. No means no, all that stuff.

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Sex is not the answer or ultimate thing in a relationship, yes it may seem to be but it's truly not. To a girl, sex brings a bundle of emotional ties and if you two break up later on, then you should know that if you have sex then there will be a lot of emotional scarring. It can also be addictive and I'm sure you don't want that to really happen since you care for her and the more it becomes addictive the more the emotional bond grows. You seem smart and you know what to do, but don't hurt anyone or yourself, sex is not the greatest and I've seen my friends cry, storm away, call me breaking down and explaining how hurt they are to me when the guy leaves them and etc. after they had sex, but be careful if you do, use protection, be smart, be concerned for her and her feelings, be concerned for the one you care for and would do anything for right now.

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I'm 13 and my chinese teacher teaches us about these things when she can (Cuz we don't have those...sex classes? idk but it's about how to protect yourself and whatever)

If you do it now, it's considered as guilt. So I suggest you to slowly enjoy sex/intercourse AFTER you get married.

But if you want to, remember about protection. There's a 17 year old girl in my school who got pregnant and was forced to stop her studies...what a waste :/

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Remember what TV has taught us, doing this in public is better because it allows other people to enjoy it as well :P


But seriously, if there is no rush to do this, then why do it, it usually completely changes the relationship, and it isn't the most important part of a relationship, so if neither of you feel a great need to do it, then don't do it yet, wait until you really feel the need to. Oh yeah, and use protection, but i'm pretty sure that u know that from the last 15 or so posts....

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Card please don't post saying your going to do it.

I'm still getting over Aaron saying he did it.


Would you like to hear a story...of two people....doing it?


You might like it, as it contains contains an age gap that would shock many people...

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"Girls don't care about sex that much" = LIES.


But if you're already comfortable with her, then there's no need to go any further. Once you get in the mood, then you're free to try it...Says the thirteen year old.

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